Recently I released the Haskell library patches-vector,
a library for simple, but theoretically-sound manipulation of
patches, or diffs, on a "document", which in this case just
consists of a Vector
of arbitrary elements.
I approached the development of this library from a formal perspective, devising laws for all the operations and rigorously checking them with QuickCheck. I defined a patch as a series of edits to a document, where an edit is simply an insertion, deletion, or replacement of a particular vector element.
newtype Patch a = Patch [Edit a] deriving (Eq)
data Edit a = Insert Int a
| Delete Int a
| Replace Int a a
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
We have a function, apply
, that takes a patch and
applies it to a document:
apply :: Patch a -> Vector a -> Vector a
Patches may be structurally different, but accomplish the same thing.
For example, a patch that consists of Delete
and an
may extensionally be equivalent to a patch that does
a single Replace
, but they are structurally different. To
simplify the mathematical presentation here, we define an equivalence
that captures this extensional patch-equivalence:
Documents and patches form a category
To define further operations, we must first note that patches and
documents form a category. A category is made up of a
class of objects (in this case documents), and a class of
arrows or morphisms (in this case patches). For each object
, there must be an identity morphism
, and for each pair of morphisms
there must be a composed morphism
. They must satisfy the following laws:
Left-identity: for any morphism
Right-identity: for any morphism
Associativity: for any three morphisms
The category laws laws comprise the first part of our specification.
Translating it into Haskell, I made Patch a
an instance of
, just for convenience, even though the composition
operator is not defined for any arbitrary patches, and therefore patches
technically are not a monoid in the algebraic sense.
Then, the above laws become the following QuickCheck properties:
$ \a -> a <> mempty == a
forAll (patchesFrom d)
$ \a -> mempty <> a == a
forAll (patchesFrom d)
3) $ \[a, b, c] ->
forAll (historyFrom d <> (b <> c)) d == apply ((a <> b) <> c) d apply (a
Here, patchesFrom d
is a generator of patches with
domain document d
, and historyFrom d 3
produces a sequence of patches, one after the other, starting at
Our category is indiscrete
In the case of patches and documents, they form what's called
indiscrete category or a chaotic category, as there
exists a single, unique1 patch between any two documents. A
function to find that patch is simply diff
, which
takes two documents and computes the patch between them, using the
Wagner-Fischer algorithm (Wagner & Fischer 1974).
diff :: Eq a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Patch a
It's easy to come up with correctness properties for such a function,
just by examining its interaction with the identity patch, the
composition operator, and apply
== e
apply (diff d e) d
== mempty
diff d d
<> diff b c) a == apply (diff a c) a apply (diff a b
Our category is a groupoid
As there exists a patch between any two documents, it follows that
for every patch
there exists an inverse patch
such that
. We define a function,
, in Haskell:
inverse :: Patch a -> Patch a
And we can check all the usual properties of inverses:
$ \p -> p <> inverse p == mempty
forAll (patchesFrom d)
$ \p -> inverse p <> p == mempty
forAll (patchesFrom d)
$ \p -> inverse (inverse p) == p
forAll (patchesFrom d)
$ \p -> inverse mempty == mempty
forAll (patchesFrom d)
2) $ \[p, q] ->
forAll (historyFrom d <> q) == inverse q <> inverse p inverse (p
We can also verify that the inverse patch is the same that we could
have found by diff
== apply (inverse (diff e d)) d apply (diff d e) d
A category that contains inverses for all morphisms is called a groupoid. All indiscrete categories (such as patches) are groupoids, as the inverse morphism is guaranteed to exist. Groupoids are very common, and can also be thought of as a group2 with a partial composition relation, but I find the categorical presentation cleaner.
Merges are pushouts
So, we have now specified how to compute the unique patch between any
two documents (diff
), how to squash patches together into a
single patch (composition), how to apply patches to a document
), and how to compute the inverse of a given patch
). The only thing we're missing is the crown jewel
of patch theory, how to merge patches when they diverge.
I came to patch theory from concurrency control research, and not via the patch theory of Darcs (Jacobson 2009), so there are some differences in how I approached this problem compared to how Darcs does.
In their seminal paper (Ellis & Gibbs 1989) on the topic,
Ellis and Gibbs define a function
that, given a diverging pair of patches
, will produce new patches
, such that the result of
is the same:
They called this approach operational transformation, but
category theory has a shorter name for it: a pushout. A
pushout of two morphisms
consists of an object
and two morphisms
such that
. The pushout must also be universal, but as our category is
indiscrete we know that this is the case without having to do
We can use this pushout, which we call transform
, as a
way to implement merges. Assuming a document history
and an incoming patch from version
, where
, we can simply
the input patch
against the composition of all the patches
, resulting in a new patch
that can be applied to the latest document
Note that just specifying the transform
function to be a
pushout isn't quite sufficient: It would be perfectly possible to
resolve two diverging patches
by using patches
, and they would resolve to the same document, but probably wouldn't be
what the user intended.
Instead, our transform
function will attempt to
incorporate the changes of
and the changes of
, up to merge conflicts, which can be handled by a function passed in as
a parameter to
transformWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> (Patch a, Patch a) -> (Patch a, Patch a)
Then we can add the pushout property as part of our QuickCheck specification:
$ \(p,q) ->
forAll (divergingPatchesFrom d) let (p', q') = transformWith const p q
in apply (p <> q') d == apply (q <> p') d
If the merge handler is commutative, then so is
$ \(p,q) ->
forAll (divergingPatchesFrom d) let (p' , q' ) = transformWith (*) p q
= transformWith (*) q p
(q'', p'') in p' == p''
&& q' == q''
We can also ensure that transformWith
keeps the
intention of the input patches by using
as one of the diverging patches:
$ \ p ->
forAll (patchesFrom d) *) mempty p == (mempty, p)
transformWith ($ \ p ->
forAll (patchesFrom d) *) p mempty == (p, mempty) transformWith (
And with that, we've specified patches-vector
. A patch
theory is "just" a small, indiscrete groupoid with pushouts3. We can theoretically account for
all the usual patch operations: inversion, composition, merging,
, and apply
, and this gives rise to a spec
that is rock solid and machine-checked by QuickCheck.
The full code is available on GitHub and Hackage. Please do try it out!
I also wrote a library, composition-tree
(also on Hackage
and GitHub),
which is similarly thoroughly specified, and is a convenient way to
store a series of patches in a sequence, with good asymptotics for
things like taking the mconcat
of a sublist. I use these
two libraries together with pandoc
, acid-state
and servant
to make a basic wiki system with excellent
support for concurrent edits, and edits to arbitrary versions. The wiki
system is called dixi
(also on GitHub and Hackage).
Acknowledgements and Related Work
I independently invented this particular flavour of patch theory, but it's extremely similar to, for example, the patch theory underlying the pijul version control system (see Mimram & Di Giusto 2013), which also uses pushouts to model merges.
Another paper that is of interest is the recent work encoding patch theory inside Homotopy Type Theory using Higher Inductive Types (Angiuli et al. 2014). HoTT is typically given semantics by ∞-groupoids, so it makes sense that patches would have a natural encoding, but I haven't read that paper yet.
Also, another paper (Swierstra & Löh 2014) uses separation logic to describe the semantics of version control, which is another interesting take on patch theoretic concepts.